In addition to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 mobile SoC and Snapdragon

Discover the Qualcomm Snapdragon S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 audio platforms with Bluetooth 5.4. The S7 Pro brings micro-power Wi-Fi (capable of speeds up to 29 Mbps) to your next pair of earbuds to extend its reach “far beyond what’s possible today using Bluetooth alone,” Qualcomm says, with a smooth transition between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Qualcomm's Snapdragon S7 Pro Gen 1 brings micro-power Wi-Fi to your next pair of earbuds

The company promises that you’ll be able to walk around your home, in any building or campus, listening to music and making calls, where simple Bluetooth functionality would have reached its limits.

The S7 and S7 Pro offer “six times the computing power, nearly 100 times the AI ​​power” (thanks to the use of a dedicated AI Micro NPU engine) of “previous generation platforms”, i.e. ‘S5 Gen 2. I hope you’re not. We are not counting on the possibility of escaping artificial intelligence in future headphones, speakers and earphones.

Qualcomm's Snapdragon S7 Pro Gen 1 brings micro-power Wi-Fi to your next pair of earbuds

These two audio platforms “use an unprecedented level of artificial intelligence on the device,” according to Qualcomm, which will help “hearing-enhancing technologies deliver a smoother user experience by understanding and adapting to users’ needs throughout the day.”

Translation: automatic transition between ANC modes “based on immediate environment”, which is something that already exists in earbuds, so hopefully this just means it’s better. Speaking of ANC, it’s now “4th generation” and should be better than ever.

Qualcomm's Snapdragon S7 Pro Gen 1 brings micro-power Wi-Fi to your next pair of earbuds

There are “multiple DSP cores” on board and a sensor hub, supported by a 300% increase in memory, again compared to the S5 Gen 2. The S7 Pro also has support for 192kHz multi-channel lossless music streaming and advanced multi-channel. Spatial audio for games.

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Philip Owell

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