The iPhone 14 is finally in the hands of users and Zach alias JerryRig Everything is here to test its durability with its usual series of tests including scratches, burns and bends. The 14’s design is mostly taken from last year’s iPhone 13 with a handful of under-the-hood improvements. One major hardware difference is that Apple now makes it easier to remove the rear glass, and repair costs are significantly lower.

As usual, the durability tests begin with a screen scratch test that reveals small scratches at level 6 on the Mohs hardness scale and deeper grooves at level 7. The aluminum sides withstand several sharp encounters with a blade that reveals the its real colors on this midnight black review unit. The rear cameras of the iPhone 14 are listed as having sapphire crystal lens caps, although the scratch test reveals that this is not the case as the marks start to appear at level 6.

The extended screen burn-in test results in several dead pixels not recovering, as is to be expected. The bend test is reserved for the latter and the iPhone 14 shows no signs of flexing under pressure.

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