Apple may have to pay $14 billion in taxes to Ireland after a 2020 court order found legal errors. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) said the EU General Court had made a number of errors of law and must review its decision.

Three years ago, Apple was found not guilty of exploiting a legal loophole that allowed the company to save $14 billion in taxes that should have been paid to Ireland between 2003 and 2014.

After all, Apple may have to pay $14 billion in taxes

In 2016, Apple was accused by the European Commission of receiving preferential treatment for illegal tax cuts in Ireland. The company was charged a 1% corporation tax instead of the usual 12.5%, and the EU was not happy about it. Both parties went to court, but the General Court of the European Union reversed the Commission’s decision to pay the taxes with retroactive effect.

The new sentence is expected to be issued in the coming months. The European Court of Justice has said that tax laws are not part of the discussion. Irish Finance Minister Michael McGrath said in a statement that his country had never provided state aid to Apple.

After all, Apple may have to pay $14 billion in taxes

Apple at one point had to pay the full amount, and the money was held in an escrow account. Now both parties will have to wait for the Court to issue a new decision before proceeding further with the payment and closing the page on this matter.

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