Torchlight III is the latest installment in the action RPG series. Players will start the game by choosing one of the four characters and starting their adventure. The land of Novastraia is once again facing the dark threat of invasion. This leaves the player and his friends the chance to find fame, glory and loot in a fantastic environment.

But how does Torchlight III position itself against its predecessors and other games like Diablo? The answer may disappoint some fans.


When diving into the game for the first time, players will be prompted to choose one of four character classes. For a loot-based RPG like this, class selection is always a very important part of the experience. Fortunately, this is something Torchlight III excels at. Each of the characters is interesting, well designed, and allows for customization if the player so desires.

Classes play well too. There are standard features like the ability to tank damage, use spells, and attack from afar. However, something I appreciated was the variety that each character is open to. Players will be able to combine weapons, skills and play styles as they wish. Of course, this adds a lot of depth to an already meaty game.


The game is driven by many missions that the player will collect as they explore. This is where things get a little tough for Torchlight III. Missions largely consist of going to a place, eliminating enemies there, and returning. Many missions will allow players to collect a specific number of materials after the fight, but that’s not much better.

You might be thinking, “Yes, but somehow that’s expected from this kind of game” and you’d be absolutely right. However, there must be some elements at play for it to work well. For example, if there were more interesting enemies or bosses, this would be a much less significant problem. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case.

Enemies are pretty bland and have sponge-like health bars. Also, nothing really surprising comes from any of the bosses. There were no major twists or moments of awe that came from the fight. Perhaps the worst sin, however, is that the loot isn’t very interesting.

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Philip Owell

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