Star Wars: Empire at War came out in 2006. Since then, we’ve had completely new generations of games and even a whole new era for Star Wars movie.

So, is it worth doing the time warp and playing this old game? Or is it better to dust off the old joystick and start TIE Fighter?

Read on to find out the answer!

Star Wars: Empire at War review |  Gammick

A different kind of strategy

Empire at War is a real-time strategy game. However, this term means different things to different people.

For example, Empire at War is not like Starcraft. That game focuses almost entirely on ground battles and the race for resources. In this sense, Empire at War is also different from Galactic Battlegrounds. That game was Star Wars channeling Age of Kings as hard as possible, resulting in a deep but still mostly battle-focused game.

Instead, what sets Empire at War apart is that it focuses on both combat and all the behind-the-scenes operations of waging intergalactic warfare. Players have to worry about annexing planets, gathering resources and building formidable forces on the various planets and in the stars.

The result is a difficult game to completely love. Battles are beautiful (more on that later), but combat rarely reaches the visceral thrill of games like Starcraft. And galactic planning is fun, but it doesn’t have the depth to compete with something like Civilization.

In short? Instead of doing one thing really well, this game does two things in a way that is just “ok”.

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