
For the most part, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics captures the spirit of the original film well. It contains many of the elements they created The Dark Crystal so loved. However, it may not be as creepy or disturbing as you remember. But it is certainly not a fault that can be attributed to the game. After all, people who liked Jim Henson’s film have aged nearly four decades since its release. That’s not to mention how harder it is to shock viewers nowadays.

In other respects, however, it is very short. The environments and character models suffer from a lack of detail throughout the entire experience. It is clear that The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics was developed on a limited budget. Of course, this does not completely justify the quality.

The lack of dubbing is also a major disappointment. While the show features high-quality acting by off-screen performers, players must read every piece of dialogue. Overall, it looks and sounds more like a small indie or mobile title than an adaptation of a TV show.

Final verdict

Fans of the show are sure to find some saving qualities in this game. It reinforces parts of the narrative that are only shown briefly in the TV series and expands the world. But only hardcore fans of the franchise will likely find real fun. There are too many missteps that make playing The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics frustrating. Whether it’s a lacking story, irritating gameplay, or poor presentation, it does nothing to stand out. The most disappointing thing is that it doesn’t even try to be innovative or introduce something new to the genre.

Category: Reviews

Tag: tactics

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Philip Owell

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