A personality of its own

One of the concerns I had in this game was the main character. Miles Morales is fast becoming a beloved character for many people and I deeply hoped that he would be respected as such. It would have been incredibly easy for Miles to simply be a reimagined Peter Parker model from the first game.

It is immediately clear that the developers have gone to great lengths to make Miles feel unique in so many ways. His body language alone makes him incredibly distinct from Peter Parker. He’s clumsy, his body movements seem less rigid, and there’s an endearing air of embarrassment about him. His web wobble is also slightly silly while he is graceful too. It all works so well.

Beginner combat

Although I was aware of some of the changes the developers had previously made to Miles’ body language, I was unaware of how combat had been changed this time around. I actually expected him to be a clone of Peter’s abilities by adding the features that make Miles special. Surprisingly, they didn’t do it at all!

The two great abilities Miles has as Spider-Man are active camouflage and bioelectricity. These obviously add some spice to the gameplay and work really well! However, Miles has different gadgets than Peter.

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