Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a continuation of the hit 2018 Marvel’s Spider-Man. The game has already caused a stir thanks to a promising new protagonist, some great features for the next generation of games, and some nice surprises.

While this game is a launch title for the PlayStation 5, it was also released on the PlayStation 4. So how does this superhero show perform on the trusty PS4?


Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales has had a lot to do on multiple fronts. The original game was shocking because of the emotional weight it had and how fantastic the storyline was. In addition, this game also has to contend with the portrayal of Miles Morales in the blockbuster movie Spider-Man: In the Spider’s Versewidely considered to be one of the best Spider-Man media pieces so far.

That meant the odds were heavily weighed against this smaller, more compact heroic tale. Fortunately, I’d say she gets along well with the siblings she has to live up to. Just as Miles has to make Peter proud every time he wears his webbed mask, Spider-Man: Miles Morales goes out of his way to cheer this character’s fans on for the rising legend.

The game’s storyline sees Miles Morales take on his first patrol as Spider-Man without the watchful eye of his mentor Peter Parker. Once a powerful enemy emerges from the shadows and begins to attack a corrupt society that is threatening New York’s Spanish Harlem, Miles embarks on a path that will test his courage as a hero and young adult who will come to terms with the place of him in the world.

In the end, the story is great. It’s not a complete reinvention of the character, nor does it do anything particularly new with him. However, it brings out the best parts of Miles and his supporting cast. While it may not hit some of the 2018 Spider-Man game highs, it definitely left me wanting to see more Miles and the ever-growing cast of Spider-Man characters in play.

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