Motion controls

Lineage Revision 2 |  Gammick

Having created your character is where the game instantly falls. The motion controls are out of date at this point. The game offers you the ability to use the more conventional WASD motion system and the click-to-move system most commonly found in isometric RPGs. I figured I’d be able to deal with this huge setback of unlearning my muscle memory from other RPGs, using just the left click to interact, and maybe occasionally move the camera with a drag.

I quickly found that this choice in motion controls wasn’t the only thing that would stop me from really enjoying Lineage 2. The motion itself was clunky, not just the input. Every now and then my character would completely stop moving no matter which button I pressed or how hard I pressed it. I would have worked fine and would have stopped abruptly, hammering left with the W and clicking the left mouse button like a demon.


Outside of the movement issues, everything else is fully functional when you remember that the game is over 15 at this point. The combat is surprisingly beautiful and the characters interact with the world in a believable way. Speaking of the world, it could be one of Lineage 2’s few saving graces. It feels like not only Vagrant Story, but also a high fantasy Europe mixed with just a hint of anime.

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