At first glance, Kunai appears to be checking a lot of indie game boxes. Dystopia? Check. Throwback graphics? Check. Metroidvania? Check back!

While the concepts aren’t super fancy, the actual gameplay is truly unique. And the sheer fun of swinging through the kunai holder makes this game a game worth checking out.

Robo dystopia

The story isn’t as important as the gameplay in a game like Kunai. As a result, the actual texture you get is paper thin.

Kunai is all about a dystopian future full of evil robots. Humanity has long since disappeared, but resistance to evil robots survives in the form of robotic freedom fighters.

Unfortunately, they cannot face these evil robots alone. That’s why good robots woke you from your sleep. As a robot named Tabby, you must face the hordes of robots with just your wits and the weapons you can find.

A decent metroidvania

What kind of game is Kunai? It is best suited to the Metroidvania genre.

If the term isn’t familiar, it refers to games that are very similar (you guessed it) Metroid and Castlevania. This means there is an emphasis on finding new weapons and upgrades to help you unlock parts of the map that were previously inaccessible.

Being part of this genre helps and hurts Kunai. On the one hand, it’s a very funny example of why this genre is still so popular. At the same time, he never reaches the heights of the franchises he’s copying.

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