Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the Necrodancer Featuring the legend of Zelda it looks like a crazy experiment. It’s Zelda in one part and a rhythm game in one part. At first glance, they sound like two great flavors that don’t necessarily taste great together.

So, is this Nintendo Switch game greater than the sum of its parts? Can you create a new genre? Or does it just make you want to give up and play Breath of the Wild again?

We have the answers to all this and more down below.

Unlikely inspiration

Obviously, we’ve had rhythm games for a long time now. This includes crowd favorites like Rock Band and Dance Dance Revolution, as well as cult classics like PaRappa the Rapper and Um Jammer Lammy.

What makes this game unique is that it is a blend of action and rhythm. And you don’t have to look very far to see where the inspiration for it comes from.

In 2015, Brace Yourself Games released Crypt of the Necrodancer. It mixed the kinds of generated worlds you might find in roguelike games with a rhythmic twist.

This Link and Zelda game isn’t just inspired by that original adventure. It even features some of the same characters!

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