A game ahead of its time, but now obsolete, Anachronox was unlike anything you’ve ever played before when it launched in 2001. Anachronox combines the classic third-person RPG perspective you use to explore the world with a point and click style. (usually found in mystery games, such as Myst series) that you use to interact with the environment.

An unfortunate result of this hybrid style, the game is slow, very slow by modern standards. It can take years to find the specific object or person you are looking for, with a lot of running around and gibberish going on. It takes a long time to find purpose for yourself and really move the story forward, which could lead to players quitting before they even really start.

But if you’re a fan of games that put witty comedy into almost every element and interaction, and you can see past the old-fashioned graphics that make the characters look like frozen faces on human-like block dummies, then there’s a lot of enjoyment. found in Anachronox.

Anachronox Review |  Gammick


You start with a punch in the face. Several times. And then thrown out of a window. And then hit with a sledgehammer. Very quickly you get the idea that your character, Sly Boots, is an unfortunate private investigator who needs a purpose. Or just a job.

With your deceased secretary, now housed in a technologically advanced paper airplane, at your side, set out to explore the world of Anachronox and, ultimately, many other worlds.

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