
If you’ve played any form of turn-based gameplay before, combat in Anachronox will feel very familiar to you: you have an action bar that fills up slowly and once it is full, you choose the action you want to take. But help the hypercritical beating specialist, Whackmaster Jack, teach you the finer points of Anachronox’s combat system: the various attributes, actions, and interactions that are possible.

The only important thing missing from combat is an indication of how much health your enemies have. When you are fighting for your life, which is often when you are Sly Boots, you want to preserve your health as much as possible and take down weaker enemies first. Unfortunately, with no health bars, there’s no way to tell what you’re facing: a faint-hearted one that will die in one blow or a powerhouse that will give Sly Boots another in a long string of beating.

Anachronox Review |  Gammick


The best part of Anachronox is its sense of humor. You constantly find little things that make you smile, whether it’s someone teasing at your expense, Fatima criticizing your skills and every decision you make, or the witty comments Sly Boots confidently makes as she gets closer and closer to her. his head.

There is also a lot of humor in the larger composition of the game worlds. Entire planets and their political or social systems are literally a joke in Anachronox. And that’s what makes the game worth playing, if you have around 40 hours to spare (longer if you don’t pay attention to the directions).

Final verdict

Anachronox relies heavily on its characters and their interactions. If you can see beyond the outdated graphics and forgive the inelegance that comes with an older title, then you’ll be able to enjoy this game for what it is: a well-written, story-based RPG with a lot of attitude.

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