The new James Bond game developed by Hitman IO Interactive could be the first title in a trilogy of releases.

This is according to IO Interactive studio director Hakan Abrak. In an interview with the Danish website, Abrak said the company believes it can expand Project 007 into three titles in total.

More recently, IO Interactive released the critically acclaimed Hitman 3, concluding the story that has spanned the entire trilogy since it began in 2016.

In the interview, Abrak said he “could easily imagine a trilogy coming out of it” when asked about the future of the James Bond series under the direction of IO Interactive.

The developer also revealed that Project 007 will be a completely original story with none of the actors who played the famous spy reprising their roles. Abrak also talked about the fact that the studio spent two years preparing for a meeting with producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G Wilson to try and secure the rights to the series.

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