When Cuphead came out, almost everyone marveled at the game’s beautiful cartoon aesthetic. Now, things are back to square one, and The Cuphead show the cartoon will arrive on Netflix on February 18th. You can watch the trailer below.

So far, it looks like the show sticks closely to the source material. It follows the outlandish adventures of Cuphead and Mugman as they get into trouble around Inkwell Isles. And while they win the game, the two must face the machinations of the devil himself!

Another reason fans of the game can expect a faithful adaptation is that Cuphead creators Chad and Jared Moldenhauer are both executive producers for Studio MDHR. And one of the executive producers is Dave Wasson, a veteran of baby mouse short films and winner of both Annie and Emmy Awards.

Based on the trailer above, are you excited about this upcoming show? Be sure to let us know in the comments!

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Tag: Netflix

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