Apple will produce some of its iPhone 14 models in India in an effort to diversify smartphone manufacturing from China. The news comes from a new Bloomberg report also describing Apple’s plans to increase production with contract manufacturer Foxconn at its assembly plant near Chennai.

Foxconn will not be able to start immediate production of the iPhone 14 in India and will reportedly have to wait at least two months after production of the initial iPhone 14 series begins in China. This means that the first batch of India-made iPhone 14 models will likely be ready between late October and early November.

Apple will produce iPhone 14 models in India

Apple and Foxconn are also working hard to cut production times from the current nine to six months. One of the critical factors for Apple and its product manufacturing process is confidentiality, and Cupertino is trying to enforce its strict rules along with Foxconn on assembly lines in India.

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