As noted by 9to5Google, the Gallery Go app appears to have deleted the “Go” part of its name with its new app icon. With version, the app name is now just “Gallery”.

Tramite <i>9to5Google</i>“src =” “><br />
<span><strong>through <i>9to5Google</i></strong></span></p>
<p>Gallery Go was first launched in 2019 as a “Lite” alternative to Google Photos for devices with limited hardware.  As even budget devices catch up for more RAM and CPU power, the demand for “Go” alternatives may be holding back a little.  It’s also possible that Google is trying to reach a wider audience with its no-nonsense Gallery app.</p>
<p> Earlier this month, it was announced that the YouTube Go app would be discontinued later this year.  The standard YouTube app is expected to see improvements for low-end devices, including more granular control for consumers with little data.</p>
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