Qualcomm, Thales and Vodafone demonstrated the integrated SIM (iSIM) standard on a specially designed Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 last year. Now, Qualcomm and Thales have announced the first commercially deployable iSIM on a modified version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset at MWC 2023.

The world’s first security certification of an iSIM by the GSMA follows several years of intensive development work by Qualcomm Technologies and Thales. Alongside the increasingly popular eSIM, Thales 5G iSIM gives device manufacturers and mobile operators even greater freedom to offer their customers simple over-the-air connectivity and more exciting and accessible product designs. – Guillaume Lafaix, VP integrated products at Thales Mobile

The Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 equipped with iSIM has received a GSMA security certification which guarantees the same level of cyber protection as eSIM modules. iSIM integrates the SIM technology into the chipset in a space of less than 1mm2. It is over 100 times smaller than the size of a traditional nanoSIM card (12.3 x 8.8 mm).

Qualcomm and Thales announce commercially deployable iSIM in modified Snapdragon 8 Gen 2

The main advantage of iSIM is that it eliminates the need for separate physical space for SIM services within devices and consumes less power. It also opens up the possibility of designing smaller devices. Global iSIM shipments are projected to reach 300 million by 2027. Thales has a much more detailed overview of the emerging iSIM standard and all its key features.

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