iOS market share increased in the last quarter of 2022 after the successful launch of Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max. That model was singled out as vanilla models are not doing very well. Meanwhile, Android has lost ground.

The smartphone market is pretty stable now, so the moves are relatively small, and iOS stays just under 30% while Android just tops 70%, based on data from Statista. It’s a two-horse race after the old guard has died and several contenders have tried unsuccessfully to enter the market.

iOS market share increased at the end of 2022, Android decreased slightly

The iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max brought the first major camera improvement in a few years along with the new Dynamic Island design, which made more people want to upgrade.

However, improved design and the first high-resolution camera aren’t the only reasons iOS is on the rise. StockApps analyst Edith Reads writes: “Apple is gaining traction in the mobile market thanks to its focus on customer experience, innovative designs and quality products. With the introduction of its new flagship iPhone 14 Pro Max, Apple has given itself a competitive edge and attracted more users to its platform. Android is losing market share in key markets like China due to its lack of innovation and fragmentation, which has led customers to switch to Apple.”

Smartphone OS market share in China
Smartphone OS market share in China (Source: StatCounter)

Apple is the largest foreign smartphone brand in China and with Huawei’s recent decline (due to trade sanctions) the two companies are neck and neck. However, as StockApps notes, the open nature of Android has allowed companies to tailor the operating system to their needs and carve out a niche in the market.

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