Instagram boss Adam Mosseri posted an update on Twitter where he announced new features coming for Instagram creators with paid subscribers. Instagram creators can join the Subscribers program where they can charge their followers a monthly fee to view exclusive content through the Instagram app.

In the video posted on Twitter, Mosseri tells us that subscribers will be able to host exclusive chats in which they can participate and interact with fans. Up to 30 subscribers can be in a subscriber chat.

This is just one step on a much longer path to providing creators around the world with a whole range of tools to make a living online.

Reels and posts can now be published directly to subscribers, and these posts will also carry the Subscriber badge. Additionally, creators with subscriber content will now have a “Subscriber Home” tab on their profiles so that their followers can see exclusives or sign up to become subscribers.

Exclusive posts, reels and chats for Instagram subscribers
Exclusive posts, reels and chats for Instagram subscribers
Exclusive posts, reels and chats for Instagram subscribers

Exclusive posts, reels and chats for Instagram subscribers

In January, Instagram introduced subscriptions with support for live video and stories that only paid followers can see. Additionally, subscribers who interact with posts also have a badge next to their name.

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Philip Owell

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