The Pixel Fold is Google’s first foldable smartphone and it’s slowly starting to get into people’s hands, although if you order one today from the Google Store in the US, you’ll have to wait a month for it to arrive. It appears that the company has been very conservative with its sales estimates and therefore hasn’t realized many of them.

Either way, the Pixel Fold is the latest device to pass the grueling “durability tests” that Zack of JerryRig Everything The YouTube channel has got us used to it. Only a few slab-style phones have failed its tests in recent years, but this one is special because, you know, it bends. If you’re wondering how that went, grab some popcorn and hit play below.

If for some reason you couldn’t watch, we’ll give you the gist of the matter. The outer screen is obviously covered by glass, so it normally scratches at level 6 on the Mohs hardness scale, with deeper grooves appearing at level 7. The foldable inner screen has a plastic screen protector over the ultra-thin glass, and this scratches at level 2, with deeper grooves appearing at level 3.

The sides of the phone are made of metal, as is the SIM card tray, and the hinge is polished steel, as is the camera bump or “visor”. The outer screen lasted about 15 seconds when subjected to an open flame, while the foldable display gave up after eight seconds, interestingly shutting down the phone.

After that, the laptop didn’t turn back on for a minute, and when it did it threw an alert that it had automatically shut down due to high heat. Funny, in a way. While the Pixel Fold isn’t rated for dust resistance, it holds up to exposure to dust quite well.

Finally, the bending test. When folded while open, the Pixel Fold destroys most of its internal screen, folding in the wrong direction. So it can’t be closed again. Interestingly, it’s not the hinge that fails, but the antenna lines that are the vulnerable spots.

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Philip Owell

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