Smartphone shipments in China hit their lowest in more than a decade during the first quarter of this year, and the consequences for some brands are now evident. Gree: The Chinese home appliance giant has now dismantled its smartphone division as the company formally exits the smartphone market for good.

Gree closes its smartphone division

Gree’s latest smartphone was launched in 2021 with the Tosot G7 which was a rebadged Meizu 18X. Gree’s smartphone division was founded in 2015 with bold plans to become a major player in the Chinese market. Gree’s outspoken chairwoman Dong Mingzhu said the company’s smartphones were “as good as Apple’s iPhones” and that Gree would “easily overtake Xiaomi” in the smartphone market.

In retrospect, these claims seemed ridiculous at the time and didn’t go as planned. However, it is always sad to see a smartphone brand go out of business.

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