Google Now Launcher arrived almost a decade ago alongside Android, focusing the user interface on Google Now cards. The launcher that used to be the default on the Nexus 5 is now set to stop in April.

The latest beta version of the Google app (v14.14) revealed that devices with the Google Now Launcher will get a message “Your launcher will change to your device’s default one.”

LG Nexus 5
LG Nexus 5
LG Nexus 5

Google Now

The Google Now Launcher has been in a downward spiral for a long time now. In 2017, its main feature, the Google Now service, was made available to OEM launchers, while Google switched to Pixel Launcher for its own phones. GNL continued to receive updates through the Google app, but as Assistant progressed, Now’s usability diminished.

The very few people who still use the Google Now Launcher can only keep it if they decide never to update their Google app again, but if people still stick to the launcher, they probably won’t get any updates in the first place.

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