According to a source familiar with the matter, Samsung is changing the aspect ratio of both displays of the Galaxy Z Fold6. The report also states that the Z Flip6 is also making some changes to its displays.

Galaxy Z Fold6 will have different aspect ratio, Z Flip6 should have thinner bezels

Starting with the Z Fold6, rumors suggest that the laptop will have displays with different aspect ratios. The report does not clarify, but we suspect that the coverage screen will finally adopt a wider ratio. The overall design will also be more in line with the Galaxy S25 lineup arriving in early 2025.

The Korean tech giant is also looking for a way to reduce the weight and fold of the main display.

As for the Galaxy Z Flip6, the clamshell device will have a larger cover screen and a main one with noticeably thinner bezels.

Source (in Korean)

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