Apple and the medical technology company, Masimo, have a long history, but more recently the latter filed for damages in 2020 for patent infringement. Today, the court found Apple guilty and the US International Trade Commission will consider banning the import of Apple Watch Series 6 and later.

Apple found guilty of infringing several patents, Watch could be banned

Shortly before the release of the first Apple Watch, the Cupertino company sought to collaborate with Masimo. But Masimo’s CEO says the purpose of the meeting was to steal some employees and extract information and expertise about some Masimo products. More precisely, modern blood oxygen sensor technology used in hospitals.

However, shortly after the meeting, Apple did indeed sign Masimo’s chief medical officer.

As a result, Masimo sued Apple in 2020 for infringing on 10 different Masimo patents and called for a ban on the sale of Apple Watches in the United States.

There is still a final decision to be made by the USITC and it will be difficult to disclose. The commission will have to take a closer look at Apple’s pulse oximeter and its implementation and decide whether or not Apple used Masimo’s trade secrets to develop mobile technology. The USITC works independently of the court, so it may make a different decision.

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