It looks like Tales from the Borderlands may arrive on next-gen consoles in the near future as a new special collection.

Reddit users noted that PEGI, the evaluation board for games in Europe, has a listing for the title on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S. This list provides a release date of December 18, 2020, which is round trip, meaning the game may be close to launch soon.

More tips on the arrival of a new version of Tales from the Borderlands come from SteamDB. The title page lists several new builds of the game that were recently uploaded to Steam, suggesting that the developer tested the release prior to its official launch.

Tales from the Borderlands is a graphic adventure game originally launched in 2014. A spin-off of the main series, it featured new characters and a separate story, although many of the title’s individuals have appeared later in subsequent Borderlands games.

While there is no official news on an improved or remastered edition of the title, a trailer leaked on Reddit last year suggests that Tales from the Borderlands Redux is in development.

Category: Game consoles, News

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