A recent announcement has surprised all WhatsApp users: is the platform close to closure? Here’s the news.

For many years, WhatsApp has been a point of reference for the many users of the network. In fact, the platform has been the protagonist of an incredible success, to say the least, also dictated by the many updates made over time.

WhatsApp closed a new feature
WhatsApp, announcement by Mark Zuckerberg – Ansa Foto and Adobe Stock – CheNews.it

The development team, over the years, has always tried to give users a unique, new and complete experience. Now, after theannouncement by the CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg, something seems destined to change.

The top management of the company, in fact, spoke of impending closure regarding an important new feature which will be implemented shortly. An option eagerly awaited by users and which will allow the platform to be ‘closed’ from a security point of view. Let’s find out all the details together.

WhatsApp, chat lock ready to make sparks: security in the foreground

In the last period, the WhatsApp developers have brought to light many new features. One above all, however, was announced by Zuckerberg himself given the importance of this that he will guarantee a higher level of security.

The new feature Chat Lock in fact, will give all users the opportunity to block chats present on the platform to place them in a folder to which theaccess will only be allowed through Fingerprint or face scan. For those who do not like these two ways there is always the possibility of enter a password.

This new option is by no means to be underestimated given that the chats which we will insert inside the appropriate folder they can only be viewed by users who have access. For this reason, many conversations can be secured and linked to a decidedly high level of security.

Chat Lock, however, is not the only novelty concerning the chat universe. Also keep an eye on the functionality that allows you to edit messages within 15 minutes of sending. Also in this case, this option is very important since, in case of errors, there could be a way to fix it.

In short, the WhatsApp team is increasingly moving towards giving the user not only new tools but also higher security. This last aspect is highly sought after since privacy, when it comes to virtual, is always at risk. There is not only positive news for users of the platform but, in recent days, many have reported a serious problem following an update and this makes the application unusable.

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