TERA Review |  Gammick


The missions in TERA do not deviate from the established MMORPG formula. TERA’s story proceeds from one basic quest to the next, requiring the Chosen One and the strongest warrior on earth to collect seven flowers or find a teddy bear.

The story at least tries to get the player to take care, particularly through Anya, a “gifted child” who serves as a damsel in distress for our hero to be rescued. Before her kidnapping, the player has the opportunity to make friends with the little girl by also attending her tea party with stuffed animals. But TERA fails to make anything interesting in terms of gameplay and decides to fade to black instead. A little more care or attention to these story beats would have made their impact much greater when the villain who twists his mustache eventually kidnaps the baby.

Occasionally a line of text will appear in red at the top of the screen to give context to a story search. For example, when she searches for Anya she might say “But she was nowhere to be found” when she enters a city.

It sounded jarring at first, but I came to like the text as a kind of dungeon master in a DnD campaign that added some flavor or explained a situation. It obviously doesn’t do enough to save the overall story, which doesn’t pretend to be much more than an excuse to keep killing things. But boy, I love killing things in TERA, so I can excuse the lack of effort in other areas.

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