As a series, Metro games are unique and ambitious but never seem to land. This is definitely the case with Metro: Exodus, which manages to be completely addicting but somehow a total slog to play at the same time.

It may sound harsh, but every time I was immersed in the world of Metro: Exodus, the game threw something at me that made me roll my eyes and sigh in frustration. However, it’s fair to acknowledge that it has some highlights.


Metro: Exodus has many notable features. The most outstanding result of the game is the atmosphere. Between graphics, sound design, and even minor gameplay elements, everything exists to serve the eerie atmosphere.

The game immerses players with ease thanks to desolate and highly detailed environments. Exploring the world is alone and uncomfortable, even in broad daylight. The graphics look a little dated on consoles, but the detail is hard to ignore. The level design alternates between linear and open-world, which keeps things refreshing.

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