Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is a game full of controversy. And it has passionate haters and very ardent defenders.

So, is this game as bad as the haters say? Or is it worth grabbing a blaster and trying it out?

Engaging campaign

EA’s first Battlefront game provided a highly immersive multiplayer experience. However, something was missing that many players expected: a dedicated campaign mode.

Fortunately, the sequel solves this problem by adding a campaign focused on Inferno Squad. This is an elite imperial unit that must make important decisions as galactic conflicts begin to simmer.

In a world crowded with Star Wars movies, shows, comics and games, this campaign features a genuinely entertaining and engaging story. It is clear that there has been a lot of reflection in this campaign; however, multiplayer remains the clear focus of the game.

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017) Review |  Gammick

Looking good

It’s a little superficial, but I’ll go ahead and say it: this is a very nice game.

There has never been a better look Star Wars game. For the first week or so, you might just find yourself in awe of the detailed characters, vehicles, and locations that Battlefront 2 has brought to life.

This combines with first-rate sound design to create a completely immersive environment Star Wars
Experience. Whether players keep coming back will largely depend on how much they enjoy the multiplayer game.

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