
The basic combat mechanics will be familiar to anyone who has played a recent Mortal Kombat game. There are only four main buttons you need to use and no overly complex combos to remember. Instead, the fight now feels a little slower and more methodical. The impacts seem to have more weight for them and the game encourages players to mix their moves during the fights.

A new aspect of the gameplay is the addition of an attack and defense bar. Located at the bottom of the screen, they allow you to add a little extra power at decisive moments. Want to give an attack a little extra push or make sure you deflect that incoming kick? The buttons on the bumper allow you to do this. Getting used to this mechanic can be tricky at first, but it soon merges with the rest of the action and becomes second nature.

Launched with 24 characters, Mortal Kombat now boasts a roster of 29 including DLC ​​additions. This includes regular characters from the series such as Johnny Cage along with newly introduced fighters. A number of individuals were also introduced in the DLC, while Shao Kahn is a downloadable character that was offered as a pre-order bonus. Surprisingly, the fighters are all reasonably balanced and there is no real character or character to avoid.

Game mode

There are different game modes in Mortal Kombat 11. They offer different experiences and challenges. The main one is the story mode, which allows you to progress through the main storyline using different characters. Between matches, you’ll see cutscenes that expand the action and unlock bonus cosmetic items. Tackling the story mode is a good way to familiarize yourself with the mechanics and roster as you progress.

The towers are back too. As you may have guessed from the name, these imply that you have to fight through a series of enemies to reach the top of the tower. Although there is a classic variant, the most fun comes from the special Towers of Time. These give you access to rarer rewards and items for your fighters. In addition to this there is the Crypt and a much more sophisticated online mode. Fighting in online multiplayer is better than ever with minimal delay.

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Philip Owell

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