While many games claim to value player choice, Kingdom Come: Deliverance takes it one step further by integrating personal action into every aspect of this medieval experience. Set in 15th century Bohemia, Warhorse Studios created a completely immersive, if daunting, adventure.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance often feels more like a simulation than a traditional RPG. With over one hundred weapons, a vast open world, a complex progression system and real-time battle mechanics, Kingdom Come: Deliverance features various prototypical features shared among representatives of the genre.

That said, this is an RPG devoid of any fantastic ingredients. At no time during the long campaign do you cast a spell, slay a dragon, or love an elf.


Like the calm before the storm, the opening hours provide a fragment of the protagonist’s mundane existence as the son of a blacksmith. Living in the quiet town of Skalitz, Henry takes the time to joke with his friends, hang out with the girl from the local tavern, and disappoint his father. Like many similar stories, Henry’s picturesque world is turned upside down when an army of Cuman soldiers attack Skalitz, leaving him with no parents or a city to call home.

Driven by a thirst for revenge, Henry sets out on a grueling journey to become a knight of the kingdom. Assigned to the care of Sir Radzig Kobyla, the blacksmith’s son accepts numerous missions as he strives to build a positive reputation with the townspeople.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance tells a rooted story of personal growth, sacrifice and determination. Despite the presence of some big battles, Warhorse primarily prioritizes the characters’ intimate moments over cinematic or epic confrontations.

After a deliberately quiet start, Kingdom Come: Deliverance steadily gains momentum as Henry takes root in the political and social cultures of Bohemia. The main story rewards patience; in fact, many missions require traversing the large map to complete. It is not unusual for a game session to end without anything noteworthy being accomplished. The deliberate pacing of the plot adjusts to the realistic and gritty tone.

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