Katana ZERO Review |  Gammick


When starting Katana ZERO you know very little about the hero. Apart from the fact that he dresses as a samurai and is a soldier who fights in war, of course. This puts you on an equal footing with the protagonist. Apparently, Zero suffers from amnesia and isn’t sure what his role is. Much of the story involves uncovering the truth about the character.

For the first few levels, the narrative remained largely intact. You might be forgiven for thinking this would be just another action game focused solely on gameplay. But that would not be a fair assessment. After the third stage, the story begins to unfold.

Impressively, the story manages to intertwine with the gameplay, explaining how Zero’s ability to slow down time is the result of an addictive drug. Scenes and conversations with characters during normal gameplay slowly reveal the plot. There are some very tender moments in a story about drug use, the passage of time, and even mental health.

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