Katana ZERO Review |  Gammick


Pixel art has the ability to look very good or very poor. Few games manage to fall somewhere between these two extremes. Fortunately, Katana ZERO manages to show off an impressive visual style.

The low-fidelity nature of pixel art means it’s possible to show off more graphic violence without it looking too whimsical or creepy. In a game with so much over the top fighting, the style chosen makes it look better.

Plus, the soundtrack is the perfect accompaniment to the gameplay. Synthetic electronic songs are a perfect match for visuals.

Unfortunately, some of the more narrative moments lose something from the fact that the characters can’t convey any emotion. The sprites are too small and not detailed enough. However, this is a relatively minor problem in the grand scheme of things. Especially when you consider the lack of technical or performance problems.

Final verdict

The average playthrough for Katana ZERO appears to last between four and six hours, which means there isn’t a lot of play. This is not a problem, however, due to the quality of what is there. You might wish it lasted a little longer, but at least it ends up wanting more. This is much better than staying beyond her welcome or getting stale.

Few games in 2019 are as satisfying as Katana ZERO. A brilliantly told story, thrilling combat and a sleek look set it apart as a title you simply have to play.

Category: Reviews

Tag: Action

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