The Banner Saga 2 is the 2016 sequel to Stoic Studio’s original 2014 game. For the uninitiated, Stoic Studio is led by three former BioWare employees and it shows in their projects. Set in a Viking-inspired world embroiled in a seemingly never-ending war, The Banner Saga is a heartbreaking story. Challenge the player’s leadership skills, often by presenting situations with nothing but terrible solutions. Does The Banner Saga 2 take up the magic of the original? Is there enough here to justify revisiting this universe?


The first thing to remember is that The Banner Saga was not designed to be a standalone piece. While the original game provides some degree of closure, the story of Rook or Alette continues. The Banner Saga trilogy is closer to The Lord of the Rings than Elder Scrolls. It is a long journey divided into several chapters or episodes.

Banner Saga 2 Review |  Gammick

The Banner Saga ends with the user deciding whether to sacrifice Rook or Alette, as the chosen warrior defeats Bellower, the alleged immortal leader of Dredge. If you play both games on the same device, The Banner Saga 2 transfers the save file from its predecessor. This guarantees a genuine continuation rather than a new adventure. If a save file is not available, the user has the option to select between Rook and Fins.

Despite the elimination of Dredge’s figurehead, the remaining humans and Varls (giants) are not entirely out of line of sight. If anything, things have only gotten worse. Dredge’s scattered forces constantly attack the Rook / Alette caravan. The driving force of the story is a march to the capital Arberrang. The journey requires the caravan to travel across the continent, visiting more unique places along the way.

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