With Outriders not out until April 1, some fans may have a hard time waiting more than a month to try out the co-op sci-fi shooter. Fortunately, Square Enix has launched a demo for the game to give players an idea of ​​what they can expect when Outriders officially launches.

The demo offers players the chance to play through the prologue and opening mission of the main campaign. Four different character classes will also be available, with users able to advance to level seven for each and unlock a variety of skills and weapons.

According to Square Enix, the demo will be available from February 25 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S. The exact launch times for each region can be viewed in the embedded Tweet below.

Once available, players can simply search Outriders in the digital store for their preferred platform and download the demo for free. Any progress made will also carry over to the full title once released in April.

Outriders was originally slated for release in December. However, like many other games last year, it was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The developer had apparently suffered from operational problems and needed more time to finish the work on the project. The launch has since been postponed a second time since the February 2nd slot.

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