Social media could know what we do when we don’t use the app, one detail is significant: here’s what to watch out for.

Social networks are an important part of our lives but some platforms may follow our movements without us knowing.

Social spy to protect themselves
Protecting data from and from social media –

If on the one hand, maintaining a certain privacy is a fundamental objective, on the other we must admit that it is us, of our own free will, who rely on social networks and the web in general. In certain cases, we agree to “monitor” our actions even when we are not online.

Given the activity of “monitoring“, there may be concerns that apps can follow us even when we don’t want to. Which is why it becomes essential to implement suitable countermeasures and for this reason we are going to focus on cookies.

Fear of being spied on by social media? Manage cookies this way and you will solve the problem

Every time we access a site or a social network, a message appears asking the user toauthorization to collect navigation data. Once granted, our data goes into a reference database but this process cannot always be sustained and it is right to take countermeasures.

The solution that allows us to safeguard our privacy is really very simple to implement. In the first instance we have to go to the our browser settings reference and search foroption regarding cookies. Once found we should do nothing but deactivate the function that concerns collection of our data and related permits. In this way, we will not run any kind of risk.

As far as social networks are concerned, however, their activity travels in secrecy direction. In fact, they will only use the stored information for aany future analysis. The situation is different on other websites which, on the other hand, make improper use of this data and that is why it is necessary to prevent them from entering it in the database.

Therefore, the protection of our data is fundamental and it is very simple to put into practice in this case. The discussion does not end with social networks or websites but there are some useful solutions in case you are afraid that Google or other apps fetch our information. Also in this case, the strategy to be implemented is not at all complex.

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Philip Owell

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