Netflix shocked us all when the streaming giant revealed earlier this month that it will be developing video games for its service. Now, Netflix has revealed that its first games will be designed for mobile devices and that Netflix subscribers won’t have to pay anything extra to play them.

This information comes to us courtesy of a letter from Netflix to investors.

“Initially, we will mainly focus on mobile games. We are as excited as ever with our film and TV offering and look forward to a long way to increase investment and growth across all of our existing content categories, “Netflix said.” But since we’re nearly a decade into ours. pushed towards original programming, we think it’s a good time to find out more about how our members enjoy games. “

While Netflix developing games seems odd at first glance, it’s clear that the streaming service needs something to help it stand out from competing services like Disney +. And considering that Netflix previously released a Stranger things mobile game in 2017 and has original game-based programming (including hit series such as Castlevania And The sorcerer), offering games directly to subscribers seems like a logical next step.

We still don’t know when the first games will launch, although it could be as early as 2022. Meanwhile, dataminer Steve Moser tweeted images of a DualSense controller and the hit PlayStation game Ghost of Tsushima that have appeared in the Netflix app.

This could mean that Netflix could partner with Sony to develop and deliver game content. And such a partnership could help Sony compete with Microsoft’s successful Game Pass service.

Sounds in the comments: What kind of games would you like Netflix to offer? And would you rather be limited to mobile games or branching out into more ambitious titles?

Category: Mobile, News

Tag: Netflix

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