Teslas are famous for popularizing the huge touchscreen on the dashboard, but as Tesla owners know all too well, that screen cannot be used to connect the phone using Android Auto or Apple CarPlay. But what if there was a way, a very convoluted way, but still a way?

Tesla Android Project in action: Drive with Apple Maps and listen to Apple Music
Tesla Android Project in action: Drive with Apple Maps and listen to Apple Music
Tesla Android Project in action: Drive with Apple Maps and listen to Apple Music

Tesla Android Project in action: Drive with Apple Maps and listen to Apple Music

Developer Michał Gapiński has been working on the “Tesla Android Project” for a few months and has just demonstrated a working solution. Here it is captured on video:

The eagle eyes among you may have noticed something odd: CarPlay’s UI is running in the browser. Well that’s not quite the case, the car browser is used to put together some sort of screen casting solution.

Read more about how this crazy gizmo works at ArenaEV.

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Philip Owell

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