More than a decade ago, Microsoft announced Windows 7 and it was one of the most popular operating system revisions ever. In fact, many skipped Windows 8 and 8.1 and jumped straight to Windows 10. Those who fell behind should know that today marks the end of the road for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

Windows ends security support for Windows 7, Windows 8.1 does not receive extended support

In January 2020, Windows 7 stopped receiving feature updates and Microsoft offered 3-year extended security support for an additional fee. This was critical for many businesses that couldn’t make an easy transition to the latest operating system. But today, Microsoft is pulling the plug on security updates and leaving users with the choice of upgrading or continuing to use Windows 7 with potentially compromised security.

According to third-party data, Windows 7 powers about 10% of PCs worldwide, while Windows 8.1 powers far fewer computers. Maybe that’s why Microsoft is ending support for Windows 8.1 altogether and won’t extend security support like it did with Windows 7.

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Philip Owell

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