The ideal screen size for a smartphone has changed over the years, but it seems to have finally stabilized. In a 2019 survey, 6″ emerged as the most popular option, which was confirmed the following year when the 5.9″ to 6.5″ range was chosen (with most people choosing oriented towards the lower extremity). And in last week’s poll 6.1” was the first choice among voters.

Previous Screen Size Survey Results: From 2020
Previous Screen Size Survey Results: From 2019

Past Screen Size Survey Results: Since 2020 • Since 2019

It was the option chosen by a quarter of voters. The slightly larger 6.3-inch option received half the votes. This essentially matches the previous results, which were focused on 6 inches and above.

Weekly Survey Results: Screen size matters a lot, 6.1

The second most popular option was under 6″, although that may have been the result of a large minority of voters. The market numbers simply don’t support the idea that phones this small are popular: The iPhone mini was outselling the iPhone mini. 6.1-inch iPhone, for example.And while it’s possible Asus is selling tens of millions of Zenfone 9s, we doubt they’d keep it quiet.

On the other side of the fence are people who like bigger phones. Combining the 6.7″ and 6.8+ inch options we get almost a quarter of the vote – for quite a few people, bigger really is better.

That said, the 6.5-inch middle ground was the second most popular option, excluding the sub-6-inch grades. As some have pointed out in the comments, weight matters too, and while it’s not exactly a linear relationship, a bigger phone almost always means a heavier phone too. Most 6.5-inches weigh less than 200g (although there are exceptions).

How much does screen size matter, anyway? A lot, it seems. Most people say it’s a key consideration when buying a new phone. For everyone else, it’s still an important metric, even if they’re willing to settle. As you may have noticed, the biggest phones tend to have the best screens and cameras.

Weekly Survey Results: Screen size matters a lot, 6.1

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