Last week’s survey brings unexpected results: Augmented reality glasses are the kind of XR that promises the most. That said, there’s not much confidence that XR technology is ready for mass adoption or even useful.

Technology has been improving at a rapid pace, riding the flaps of smartphones – high-quality displays with high refresh rates and efficient chipsets that power some of the experiences may have only been developed in the ruthless smartphone business.

Weekly Poll Results: AR is more promising than VR, but neither is a guaranteed success

No one has perfected the formula yet. Several comments have mentioned the Ready player one film, which portrayed OASIS, a virtual reality platform used by millions of people. This is what Mark Zuckerberg is trying to build with the Metaverse, but it’s a long way off. And while headsets like Project Cambria have full color passthrough, which will enable AR experiences, virtual reality still appears to be the primary use case for Meta projects.

Commentators also mentioned various VR games they enjoyed. However, VR headsets haven’t found theirs Alone title still: that game was responsible for most of Xbox sales in the early days. There are popular, but not essential, games that will make you buy a VR headset just for them.

Mentioning AR glasses may bring to mind the very public bankruptcy of Google Glass, but in some industries, AR headsets have been adopted as tools in the workplace. That’s how computers started too: People used computers in the office for years before buying one for the home. Of course, it took some time for the first computers to drop in price and were easy enough to use to have a place in the house.

Here’s where AR appears to be at the moment: useful enough to do a job, not good enough to get through all day. Especially with concerns about comfort and eye strain. But with more tech giants at work, we’ve seen components become lighter and optics improve. It may only be a matter of time before normal reality has solid competition.

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Philip Owell

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