Telegram announces new updates to some of its features related to reactions to chat messages, emoji states and user interface improvements for iOS and Android respectively.

Starting with reactions, Premium users now have “an infinite selection of reactions”. They can react to individual messages with up to three animated emojis. Telegram launched its Emoji platform last month, which allows anyone to upload their own custom animated emojis. The emoji panel now expands to accommodate more emojis and emoji packs.

For users who do not have Premium, more reactions have been added to the selection on one line.

Emoji statuses are now available for Premium users, with the ability to set any emoji, stock or custom, as their profile status. Emoji states can be set to expire after a certain amount of time. To set an Emoji status, tap and hold the Premium badge in your profile.

Telegram update brings endless reactions to Premium users, improvements to iOS and Android apps

Each user now has their own username link in a new format: This new connection format also applies to Telegram groups and channels. Change from the format, which frankly isn’t that different, but typing the slash symbol can cause friction for some users.

Telegram update brings endless reactions to Premium users, improvements to iOS and Android apps

These upcoming updates are specific to Android or iPhone. Let’s start with Android.

You can now manage the priority of downloads as they progress on an Android device. You can now press and hold an active download and reorder it (iOS already had this feature).

There are some new Android UI animations for opening and closing Instagram photos or videos. Meanwhile, the Telegram app icon is now compatible with the Android 13 theme engine.

Telegram update brings endless reactions to Premium users, improvements to iOS and Android apps

The Telegram iOS app gets a sizzling setup page with new animated icons, and both platforms now have the option to sign in with Apple or sign in with Google.

Do you find any of these features more useful in your Telegram chats? Let us know in a comment.

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Philip Owell

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