Sony has announced that it will increase the prices of its PlayStation Plus subscription service globally for annual plans. The price increase will take effect starting September 1st.

The PlayStation Plus service is available in three tiers. The entry-level PlayStation Plus Essential will now cost $80 instead of the annual plan’s $60. With this tier, you continue to have access to two free monthly downloadable games while your membership is active, as well as access to online multiplayer games, cloud saves, and discounts on game purchases.

Sony increases PlayStation Plus prices for the annual plan

The PlayStation Plus Extra tier now costs $135 instead of $100. With this tier, you get everything included in PlayStation Plus Essential, plus access to a catalog of hundreds of PS4 and PS5 titles.

Finally, the PlayStation Plus Premium tier now costs $160 instead of $120. This was the tier that also gave you access to even more titles available in the Extra tier, including PS3, PS2, PS One, and PSP titles, which can be played on the cloud.

The price change will be reflected to existing members whenever their plan renews and immediately to those who sign up now or make changes to their current plan. The price increase is expected to occur globally, although some regions still show the older prices. The price for 1 and 3 month subscriptions will remain the same.

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