The latest rumor about the Galaxy Z Fold5 comes from a reputable leakster Ice universe and tackles a key new addition to the upcoming foldout: its reworked hinge mechanism. The new information confirms that Samsung will be using a new waterdrop-style hinge for the Fold5, which isn’t the first time we’ve heard of this development. We have seen a similar report from the South Korean publication Ship News last month.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 due to a new hinge mechanism, says tipster

Samsung’s display “teardrop” folding hinge mechanism will allow the foldable panel on the Fold5 to form a teardrop shape within the hinge body which will prevent crease between the two sides of the panel.

Samsung Display ''droplet'' patent foldable display since 2016

2016 Samsung Display “droplet” foldable display hinge patent

Motorola and Oppo have used similar approaches on their foldables to hide the crease. Ice Universe also shares that the Fold5 will be just 13.xmm thick in its folded state, which is a big upgrade from the Z Fold4’s 15.8mm.

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