Leaflets have a bad reputation for being too flimsy, which is understandable given the new format, soft internal screens, and moving parts in the hinge. However, they have come a long way and the new Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 can take a major beating.

In the last JerryRig Everything video, the vertical folding is subjected to a brutal torture test. Aside from the usual scuffs and burns, the Z Flip5 had to endure sand and lean backwards. Not only did the hinge survive all the dust that was sprinkled on it, but the internal screen was still fully functional even after I sprinkled some sand on it.

Even the bending test didn’t break the phone. It didn’t even pop. A true testament to the improvements Samsung has made in durability over the years. Great news for Z Flip5 owners too – your phone can take on many challenges and live to tell the tale.

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Philip Owell

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