Microsoft is a big proponent of OpenAI’s ChatGPT product and has already incorporated it into Bing, Edge, and Skype. The latest update to Windows 11 also brings ChatGPT to the search box in the system’s taskbar. This is just the beginning: OpenAI has just announced that ChatGPT and Whisper are available to developers via its API.

After some extensive optimizations, using ChatGPT is 90% cheaper than in December. This means that the gtp-3.5-turbo model (powering the ChatGPT you may have used) now costs $0.002 per 1,000 tokens. To put it another way, you can get 500,000 tokens for a dollar (ChatGPT doesn’t work on single characters, a token is more like a vowel).

This new pricing makes it much cheaper for businesses to build their own chat bot. But ChatGPT works with text, what if a business wants their bot to respond to voice commands? That’s where Whisper comes in: This model can transcribe speech to text at a cost of $0.006 per minute (that’s $1 for 2 hours and 45 minutes).

Not only does Whisper understand 99 languages, it can also provide an English translation of what has been said. This has great potential to break Siri and Google Assistant, which can only handle a few languages.

Companies can use the OpenAI API to build new chat bots and some already have, Microsoft is not alone. Here are some examples.

Snapchat introduced My AI for Snapchat+ this week. This bot can offer recommendations, like a recipe for dinner or planning a hike for you. And you can even ask him to write you a haiku.

OpenAI announces that ChatGPT API, Snapchat, Instacart and others are already using it

Instacart has also launched a ChatGPT-based bot that can help customers by suggesting recipes and automatically creating the necessary shopping list for them.

Similarly, Shopify’s Shop app can help users navigate products and brands and choose things as if they had a personal shopping assistant.

OpenAI announces that ChatGPT API, Snapchat, Instacart and others are already using it

ChatGPT is also seeing adoption in learning apps. Quizlet introduced Q-Chat, a “fully adaptive AI tutor”. It’s more flexible than fixed quizzes in textbooks, which have to suit all students, this one adapts to your needs.

OpenAI announces that ChatGPT API, Snapchat, Instacart and others are already using it

Speak is the fastest growing English app in South Korea and showcases Whisper as it helps locals learn to speak the language. Speak is also expanding into new markets.

OpenAI announces that ChatGPT API, Snapchat, Instacart and others are already using it

You can find more information on ChatGPT API pricing here. Dedicated instances are also available for businesses that want a more reliable experience (otherwise the model runs on a shared instance whose performance will vary depending on server load).

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