Last year, iFixit gave the iPhone 14 a 7/10 repairability score thanks to its updated internal design that allows for easier repairs. Despite the updated internal design, Apple has continued its parts-bundling policy of imposing software limitations if repair parts are not approved by Apple, prompting iFxit to retroactively lower the iPhone 14’s repairability score to 4/10 .

iFixit downgrades iPhone 14 to 4/10 repairability score

The new I don’t recommend it The rating comes after iFixit re-evaluated the degree of difficulty in completing most major repairs, such as broken screens and backs. One of the most shocking examples is that a replacement glass panel would require software validation by Apple. Users with non-validated parts would receive pop-ups informing them that their iPhone uses non-genuine parts or would lose some key functions depending on the replaced part.

Warning messages related to parts

Warning messages regarding “genuine” Apple parts

The iFixit team also mentions how independent repair shops that are part of the Independent Repair Provider program are forced by Apple to submit customers’ personal information and must accept five years of audits if they want to continue performing Apple-approved repairs. Apple has not responded to feedback about these software-blocked repairs.

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