Foldable phones have been around for a few years, but their shipments are nowhere near the levels of traditional coffee shop smartphones. The last one IDC extension The report forecasts a healthy increase in the number of foldable shipments in the year ahead with approximately 48.1 million flip and fold devices reaching consumers in 2027. At that point, the CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of foldable devices by 2022-2027 it is expected to outnumber traditional smartphones by ten times.

IDC: Foldable smartphone shipments are expected to reach 48.1 million units by 2027

The new IDC report sees leaflets gaining a combined 3.5% market share by 2027 compared to 1.2% for 2022. The leaflet market is projected to be worth $42 billion in four years.

Worldwide Foldable Phone Shipments, Market Share and CAGR 2022-2027
Form factor Shipments 2022 (millions) Market share 2022 2027 shipments (millions) Market share 2027 CAGR 2022-2027
Folding 14.2 1.2% 48.1 3.5% 27.6%
Smartphones 1,191.6 98.8% 1,322.9 96.5% 2.1%
Total 1,205.8 100% 1,371.0 100% 2.6%
Notes: Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding
Source: IDC, Worldwide Foldable Smartphone Forecast, 2023–2027, March 2023.

IDC analysts predict that leaflets will bring in a combined 21.4 million shipments in 2023 with lower ASPs (average selling prices), increased durability, and a plethora of new releases from various brands that will increase their appeal.

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