Honor confirmed its return to the Indian market last week and today the brand announced a key partnership that will help the company rapidly expand its presence in the country.

The partnership is with PSAV Global, a local company offering a capillary network of over 5,000 resellers and distributors spanning over 100 cities. The partner will also provide Honor with marketing, service and distribution solutions.

HonorTech team
HonorTech team

The announcement came from HonorTech, Honor’s brand in India, and promised its customers “advanced, reliable and self-centered solutions and experiences”. The collaboration is in line with the Government of India’s push for ‘technological self-sufficiency’ and will be a significant milestone in this direction.

In short, PSAV Global will do much of the fieldwork for Honor until it establishes its local operations. The company will help import devices, take care of distribution channels and warehousing, take care of marketing promotions, and offer warranty and repair services.

This leaves the HonorTech team, with Madhav Sheth as CEO, to handle the bigger picture, such as corporate strategy, overseeing product launches, finances and customer relations.

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